Insurance Reduction Rating
CURRENT ISO: Westfield VFD is happy to announce a reduction in our state ISO Insurance rating from a "5" to a "4" effective August 1, 2024. This means that if your Business, Church, or Home structure is within our 5-mile response district (5 road-miles from our station), you should see a reduction in your fire insurance costs effective August 1st. Businesses, Churches, and Homeowners may need to contact their insurance agent to ensure your insurance company has the latest rating information (actual savings depends on your insurance company).
If you receive your notice to pay your premium, and don't notice a reduction, call your insurance agent. Sometimes, the insurance company does NOT have the latest figures. You can send them a copy of the letter below as proof that our department has lowered its rating. With some insurance companies and agents, you have to be proactive. As always, compare prices with other companies and agents if they refuse to apply our new rating. REMEMBER, YOU MUST LIVE WITHIN 5 MILES OF OUR STATION ON OLD WESTFIELD RD FOR THIS TO APPLY. If you live outside of our 5 mile district but within our 6 mile district, by state law, your rate will NOT change.
If you see Chief Jonathan Sutphin or any of your local firefighters, please thank them for their hard work and dedication to ensure your insurance premiums are as low as possible. We thank each business, church, and homeowner in our response district for their support.
Frequently Asked Questions
NC Burn Permit
Surry County Fire Marshal's Office
How can I help or apply?
Adults - Print & fill this application out, then contact us when it's complete.
Juniors (14 to 17) - Print & fill this application out, then contact us when it's complete.
What current community college trainings are offered?
Surry CC Schedule of Fire Fighter & Technical Rescue classes.