About Us - For Emergencies: CALL 911
The objects and purposes of this corporation shall be to establish, maintain, operate
and carry on a volunteer fire department with fire and rescue protection services in
which the agency is certified, along with a first responder unit operating under the
Surry and Stokes County EMS within the Westfield community in Surry and
Stokes Counties, North Carolina, to be organized and operated exclusively for the
prevention of fires and other accidental events in which the agency is certified, and
the protection of life and property from loss by fire and other accidental events in
which the agency is certified along with assisting the Surry and Stokes County EMS
in emergency medical situations in the above named community and surrounding
area; to carry out fire prevention and firefighting activities and protection from
other accidental events in which the agency is certified, and assisting the Surry and
Stokes County EMS with emergency medical activities, and for similar purposes
beneficial to the general public and community as a whole; this organization being
chartered and organized not for profit, but to be operated exclusively for the above
public and charitable purposes, for the promotion of the community and public